Our vision

We create possibilities for better living

In May 2019, Ikano Industry acquired 78 hectares of land in Saltillo, Coahuila. Mexico, to establish a 200,000 m² manufacturing cluster for the production of foam-based comfort products. At that time, some Ikano Industry employees from Poland packed their suitcases and undertook a new challenge: to help bring the plant project in Mexico to life.


One year later, the project has advanced at full speed and the Ikano family in Mexico is growing fast.


 We consider the team building process to be our greatest success. Ikano's values ​​are so universal that, despite our cultural differences, it has not been difficult to find wonderful people to share them.


Thanks to these people, as well as the kindness and cooperation of the local authorities, our recognition is growing in the local market and we are creating a solid foundation for the future factory.

Pioneers in a new plant and community

Today our family has grown up to 34 members, by the time we will have completed the plan, we will be 2,000 and we expect to employ about 2,000 more co-workers within the next years. This new facility will become a real community in where you will find daycare for the children of colleagues and recreational areas.


It's a unique setup that we hope will attract the huge number of collaborators we need in the next 3-4 years.

+52 (844) 000 0000

Ikano Industry México

Camino a los Nuncios # 1000

Comunidad San Lucas   CP 25946

Ramos Arizpe Coahuila Mexico

Copyright © Ikano Industry Services S.A. de C.V. 2021